Based on a survey of 98 customers, 60% (recurrent BV) and 75% (first-time BV) found relief in less than 1 day, and 90% (recurrent BV) and 96% (first-time BV) reported BV Clearance after 1 pack of BV Clear (5-9 days).
If your BV is recurrent, you may need 2-3 packs of BV Clear to achieve complete clearance.
If after 3 packs of BV Clear, your BV is still not cleared, you may be among the 4% who have a stubborn case and you can try the extra strength BV Finisher.
If you still do not find relief after trying BV Finisher, you may have a complicated case or infections other than BV. Your case may include yeast and aerobic bacteria like E. coli and Enterococcus.
We recommend that you take a vagnial microbiome test to find out which bacteria or yeast causes your infection.
Juno provides our customers a group discount: Juno Lab offers a group discount to NeuEve customers
Once you have a test report, you can share a copy with us. We will help you analyze the test result and choose the most appropriate product to target the causative bacteria to find relief.
**Disclaimer: This article is for information purposes only. It is about natural products, nutrients, and/or methods for managing discomforts (not diseases). It is not medical advice for the treatment of any diseases.