How Long Will It Take Before Relief?

I have had vaginal dryness and painful sex for about 7 years. I have used 1 box of NeuEve Silk in a month, but I still have not noticed relief. Could you tell me how long I need to use NeuEve before I will notice relief?

NeuEve is not a lube, moisturizer, or painkiller, but a mixture of nutrients that support the mucosal tissue. It reverses vaginal atrophy through nutritional supplements like calcium and vitamin D for bones.

Like treating osteoporosis with calcium pills, one bottle is not enough to notice an improvement in bone density. You will need to take at least 5-6 bottles of calcium pills in 3-6 months. If you quit calcium pills after one month, you will not see the recovery of osteoporosis, and fracture may still result.

Likewise, for severe vaginal atrophy, it may take several months to notice recovery after using NeuEve.

Since your dryness and painful sex have been for 7 years, the atrophy may be quite severe. It may take a longer time to notice relief.

Depending on the age and severity of vaginal atrophy, about 35% of women find relief within one week after using NeuEve Silk and/or vulva balm cream. Most women (76%) with severe vaginal atrophy find relief in less than 1 month, 86% in less than 3 months, and 92% in less than 6 months.

Only 8% of cases are stubborn cases and may take longer than 6 months, based on our survey of >300 customers.

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In general, it may take 1 week of NeuEve application for 1 year of past atrophy history. This means that in your case, it may take about 7 weeks of NeuEve application before you will notice relief.

Vaginal atrophy, like osteoporosis, is a result of aging. The aging effect can be reversed, but it will take time.

Patience and commitment to the long-term use of NeuEve is the key to successful recovery. Please continue using NeuEve and be patient to allow NeuEve to work for you.

After you notice relief, please do not stop. Continue using NeuEve will help you stop atrophy from coming back.

To date, over 100,000 women with severe vaginal atrophy and dryness have found complete relief after using NeuEve. Among all products on the market for vaginal atrophy relief, NeuEve is the best. This has been tested in women with the most severe type of vaginal atrophy.

Although the recovery takes time and there is no quick fix, there are some tips that may help you speed up the recovery process:

If you can follow the suggestions detailed in this article, you may find relief sooner.

Jun 25, 2023

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