I used a half AV NIL first and was okay, but I used a whole AV NIL last night and had a bad reaction. What should I do next?

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your experience. We understand your concern about the sensitivity you experienced with the product.

For your reference, here is an article with instructions on how to use AV NIL: Instruction on Using AV NIL.

It seems that you were able to tolerate using half a suppository without any issues, which suggests that you did not have an allergic reaction to the product. The discomfort occurred after you used a whole suppository, indicating that a lower dose might be more suitable for you.

We recommend taking a break for a few days to allow your tissues to return to normal. Once you feel ready, you can restart with a reduced dosage, such as a quarter of a suppository. Here is an article that shows you how to cut a suppository to reduce the dosage: How to cut a suppository to reduce the dosage?

Regarding safety, all ingredients in NeuEve products are food-grade and completely safe. They are essentially nutrients, and nothing in the product is harmful. Once the ingredients are washed out, your tissue sensitivity should recover.

To give you an example, consider salt, a common food ingredient. At higher concentrations, salt can kill germs, but too much salt can cause burning and irritation on your tongue. By reducing the amount of salt to a more tolerable level, your taste buds can adjust over time. Similarly, by starting with a lower dose of AV NIL, your tissues may gradually build tolerance, and you may find a dosage that is both effective and comfortable.

We hope you find relief soon and appreciate your understanding.

Jul 15, 2024

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