I have bladder prolapse. Which product may help me?

To understand how NeuEve may help you, it is helpful to understand what causes bladder prolapse.

What causes bladder prolapse?

Bladder prolapse is a hernia of the bladder into the vagina and introitus. It is also called cystocele, colpocystocele, and vesicocele.

Aging is the most common cause.

In women, the front part of the vaginal wall supports the bladder. This wall weakens with age. Childbirth can also damage the vaginal wall. If it weakens enough, the bladder can lose its support and prolapse, descending into the vagina. This may trigger symptoms like urinary difficulties, discomfort, and stress incontinence (e.g., urine leakage caused by sneezing, coughing, and exertion).

Estrogen can keep the vaginal wall strong. After menopause, estrogen production in the ovaries significantly reduces but the body can still produce some estrogen from adrenal glands and fat tissues. Thus, in most postmenopausal women, the body still produces a low level of estrogen to support the vaginal wall that keeps the bladder in place. Bladder prolapse does not occur immediately after menopause. It often occurs many years later.

Recently, vitamin D deficiency has been linked to pelvic organ prolapse. Therefore, women with bladder prolapse may also have osteoporosis and vaginal atrophy.

However, in breast cancer survivors, the anti-estrogen therapy with Tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors can shut down the remaining body's estrogen production, further weakening the vaginal wall and causing the bladder to become prolapsed at a younger age.

Other less common causes include:

  • Pregnancy and vaginal childbirth
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Repeated heavy lifting
  • Straining with bowel movements
  • A chronic cough or bronchitis

When bladder prolapse happens, your bladder can slip down lower than usual and bulge into your vagina (anterior prolapse) as shown in the image below:

Bladder prolapse.jpg


The most common symptom is the feeling of a vaginal bulge. A bulge in the vagina is something you can see or feel.

Other signs and symptoms that may be related to prolapse are:

  • frequent voiding or the urge to pass urine
  • urinary incontinence (unwanted loss of urine)
  • not feeling relief right after voiding
  • frequent urinary tract infections
  • pain in the vagina, pelvis, lower abdomen, groin or lower back
  • heaviness or pressure in the vaginal area
  • painful sex
  • tissue sticking out of the vagina that may be tender and/or bleeding


Current treatments include:

  • Activity modification like avoiding heavy lifting or straining.
  • Pessary - a device placed in the vagina to hold the bladder in place.
  • Surgery - to move the bladder back into a more normal position.
  • Hormone replacement therapy to help to strengthen the vaginal wall and bladder.

Activity modification is difficult because women must do house works.

Wearing a pessary may also cause problem like pain and bleeding. Some may even have difficulty urinating.

A bladder prolapse surgery may cost at least $9,000. Robotic-assisted abdominal surgery is more expensive at around $15,000. This can be a major expense if you do not have medical insurance or your insurance does not cover all of the expenses.

In addition to the high cost, surgery may cause trauma and side effects. The bladder prolapse surgery has potential complications, including incision bleeding, pain, or infection.

The cost of hormone replacement therapy is also high. The typical cost for Hormone Replacement Therapy averages $325 per month, and can range between $100 and $550 per month depending on the type and dose used. Additionally, estrogen increases the risk of breast and ovarian cancers, uterine fibroids, pulmonary embolism (clotting disorder), stroke and heart attack. Many women cannot use estrogen.

Therefore, a safer, more economical, and natural alternative treatment without pessary, surgery or estrogen would be beneficial.

Can NeuEve restore bladder prolapse?

NeuEve is designed for relieving vaginal dryness, atrophy, painful sex, odor, itching, and burning.

It is not designed for preventing or reversing bladder prolapse.

A few NeuEve users reported that their bladder prolapse was stopped or reversed after using NeuEve. This suggest that using NeuEve routinely may help relieve bladder prolapse. The reason may be that using NeuEve strengthens the atrophied vaginal wall and pelvic floor muscles. A stronger vaginal wall and pelvic floor muscles may provide a better support to the prolapsed bladder, pushing it back to its original position.

Successes reported by some customers may not be generalizable to others because individual cases are different. We make no claims that NeuEve can restore bladder prolapse.

However, these stories suggest that using NeuEve (along with other methods like dilation and Kegel exercises) may be helpful for a mild case of bladder prolapse.

If you have a mild case and you want to try NeuEve to see if it is beneficial, you are welcome to try it.

There is no quick fix for reversing bladder prolapse. We do not guarantee that it will work for all customers. If you want to try it, you will need to be patient because it may take a long time with persistent use of the products before you see significant improvement.

Which product to start?

For relieving vaginal atrophy, women can start with NeuEve Silver suppository if under 50 or Silk suppository if over 50, in combination with the NeuEve balm cream. Depending on the severity, healing effect may be noticed shortly or a few months after using NeuEve.

Therefore, based on customer's report, NeuEve may help relieve discomfort symptoms associated with bladder prolapse and restore the lost function and correct position of the prolapsed bladder.

If you have been 2-3 months on Silk, you may move up a phase to the stronger NeuEve Silver formula to gain more health benefits and more rapid recovery.

After you move up to the Silver suppositories, you may continue using the NeuEve vulva balm cream daily. You only need to apply a tiny little bit (a 1/4 of a dime size or a rice size) of the cream each time, so one jar may last 3-6 months.

If you feel that your recovery is slow, you may speed up the recovery by using NeuEve suppositories and balm cream in combination with dietary supplements, especially vitamin D3 and K2, dilation exercise, and Kegel exercise.

How do NeuEve balm, suppository, and dilators help relieve chronic UTIs?

This link provides some good information about Kegel exercise for women:


Some pelvic physical therapists teach Kegel exercise. You may find one in your area.

To grow back the vaginal tissue elasticity will take time. Combination among using NeuEve (topical nutritional supplements), dietary supplements, and Kegel exercise can help you recover sooner.

If you are not familiar with Kegel exercise, it is critical to find a pelvic floor physical therapist to teach you. All medical insurances cover physical therapies. You may find one in your area by Googling "Pelvic floor physical therapist near me" or from our NeuEve customers' preferred providers' list.

If you are over 70, you may find this article helpful:

I am over 70 and have dryness, odor, painful sex, and chronic recurrent UTIs. Which product is right for me?

In addition to bladder prolapse/infection, leaky bladder may also be caused by deficiency of vitamin B1. Using NeuEve along with taking vitamin B1 (Thiamine), 1 tablet or capsule/day, may help speed up the recovery.

This link provides data linking vitamin B1 deficiency to leaky bladder and frequent urinations in the night.

When you find relief, please leave a product review and send us feedback to help@neueve.com.

Your product review and feedback will help others with bladder prolapse also find relief naturally and safely without using pessary, estrogen, and/or surgery.

Can bladder prolapse be prevented?

The answer is "Yes."

You can use NeuEve Silk suppositories plus the NeuEve vulva balm cream for health maintenance. These products can help you stop vaginal atrophy and strengthen the weakened vaginal wall.

After the weakened vaginal wall becomes stronger, it will support your bladder better, and the bladder will not become prolapsed.

Bladder prolapse is an aging outcome. If you use NeuEve before it happens, it may stop it from happening. But after prolapse has happened, it may take more time and efforts to put it back.

The key to success is patience and commitment to long-term use of the NeuEve products.

In summary, to reverse a mild case of bladder prolapse, you may need the following products and exercise:

1) NeuEve suppositories, (Silver, age 45-55; Silk, 55-70; or Velvet, >70). Use two packs for the first month to jumpstart the healthing process. After the first month, one pack per month for health maintenance.
2) NeuEve Salve (>70) or Salve-Gentle (>70), using a small amount like a pea size to the vulva once daily at bedtime. One jar lasts 3-4 months.
3) Dietary supplements: a) Sea buckthorn oil (https://www.neueve.com/products/sea-buckthorn) helps relieve vaginal dryness.
b) Bone support (https://www.neueve.com/products/bone-support) helps prevent osteoporosis and relieves vaginal dryness by regulate mucus secretion.

4) Kegel exercise. To strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, exercise is important. In case you do not know how to do it, you can learn it from a physical therapist or from online sources like Youtube.

Recently, an 82‑year‑old woman used NeuEve suppositories and cream and achieved a complete recovery from her third‑degree prolapsed bladder. Her daughter, a urogynecologist at Mayo Clinic, confirmed during a recent visit that no prolapse was observed.

While this case is exceptional, it is a real example of the product's potential. Please note that it is not a quick fix—this recovery required at least three months of continuous use, as the reversal of a prolapsed organ is a long‑term process.



Note: This article describes self-care methods for managing mild discomfort of bladder prolapse associated with menopause. If you have severe bladder prolapse and are suffering from severe pain, you should seek professional care from a urologist doctor.

**Disclaimer: This article is for information purposes only. It is about natural products, nutrients, and/or methods for managing menopause-related discomforts (not diseases). It is not medical advice for the treatment of any diseases.


Customer feedback on bladder prolapse or leaky bladder relief

Prolapse alternative
NeuEve Silver
I have a pelvic prolapse and also the bad strain of HPV and need a pessary for the prolapse. My OBGYN wanted me to take hormones and I won’t. I’m not taking any hormones with HPV. This has been a fantastic alternative to hormones.

NeuEve Silk - Nyrah

I’ve been using NeuEve for about 5 months now and I must say this is definitely relief in a box. I’m post menopausal and have develop atrophy in the process and developed a mild bladder leakage. Since using the product, the atrophy has subsided tremendously and the bladder leakage is definitely under control. Thank you NeuEve. My life is back on track. ❤️

NeuEve Silk - Dale
I was struggling with dryness in the vagina and a leaking bladder. Started using Neueve silk suppository and cream. Bam! What a big difference within a week. All natural ingredients. No hormones.

Midge W.
NeuEve Silver
Great! Absolutely no stinging, burning, and no pain! Along with pelvic exercises and taking silver I am getting stronger to hold my bladder up and in place! I am 72 with a hysterectomy at 33! I recommend this product to anyone that has any issues with their lady parts! and the company keeps in touch with you! So overall I rate this company if 10 is great then I will rate it 11!

NeuEve Silk, balm cream
When I started Silk sensitive I was also weaning off of hormone cream. Also using Balm and then added Sea Buckthorn oil. There have been no adverse side-effects with any NeuEve products. The balm is soothing. I have moved up to regular Silk and had no issues. It will take time and patience since I am 78, have vaginal atrophy and slight
bladder prolapse. There has been much improvement with bladder issues because of Pelvic Health P.T. I especially appreciate the source of information and education that is available on the NeuEve blog, FB group and on the main site. The response of the team to all my questions is amazing. I have learned so much; thank-you!

Michelle Exley
Excellent product!
I can't say enough about this. I was diagnosed 2.5 months ago with Bladder Prolapse. My Gynecologist recommended Estrogen suppositories for 3 months to strengthen the area inside. He said that without that, surgery would surely fail. Well, having had Breast Cancer 2.5 years ago, I wasn't too excited about using Estrogen. I scouted online for a natural alternative and found NeuEve. I saw that people got quicker results doubling up on the monthly box so that's exactly what I did. 2 boxes of Silk per month + the Cream every other night. I don't have insurance, and this was so much cheaper than Estrogen, not to mention healthier for me. To my surprise and delight, I can honestly say that I am seeing a 50% - 60% improvement so far. I'm hoping that another 2 months on this product will cure this, and I will no longer require the surgery at all. If you're reading this, TRY IT!!!!

NSEIF 03/04/2023
This item also helps with pelvic muscle atrophy. I can hold my urine better when I'm using this stuff. Also you should buy the recommended vaginal cream. This is also very helpful.

Elaine Pate NeuEve vulva balm cream
This product is unbelievable! It stopped my itching immediately and also my leaking!!

Terri Sides O'Regan
NeuEve vulva balm cream Stopped my leaking too! Amazing!!!

Klaudya Lepp
I'm very pleased!
I am 57 years old. I am very active. I strength train/lift weights 4 to 5 days a week and ride my own motorcycle, so this "condition" caught me by surprise.
I felt my bladder dropping and this is very disconcerting. I spoke to my doctor about it and got some info about a condition called prolapsed bladder.
Hormones and surgery were my only options, really, and neither was very attractive to me. I decided to try NeuEve Silk after doing some research about this condition. The price is fairly reasonable and all natural ingredients is a major win.
I have been using the Silk suppositories, twice a week, for 6 weeks. I believe it is helping, because the day after I use it, I'm hardly aware of my bladder at all.
By the time 3 days goes by, I start to feel it drop again. I'm hoping after 3 to 4 months, it will be back in position. I will continue to use this product, consistently, for 6 months and will leave another review. So far, I am very pleased.
Commit to 2 applications a week. Consistency is absolutely necessary.

Feb 23, 2025

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